work with us

We help leadership teams at growth startups navigate org changes while becoming a cohesive unit

You’re experiencing rapid change:

  • A round, a RIF or organizational realignment

  • A key leader has left or a new exec team leader has entered

  • There’s personal or professional tension

To make it to the next phase you don’t need better functional leaders, you need more leadership team cohesion which means focusing on how the team works as a collective. Constellary gives you a framework and tools to create a high functioning, collaborative team through the Leadership Archetypes.

The Constellary Framework

Much of leadership development focuses on the individual leader. This is a good start but not sufficient for the demands of organizational leadership. Constellary helps founders, C-suite and leadership teams navigate three types of relationships.

Intrapersonal (self)

Understanding your individual leadership style: what motivates you, how you work and how you lead

Interpersonal (dyads)

Understanding how to build and maintain effective partnerships with your leadership team peers

Organizational (groups)

How leadership team dynamics contribute to org culture as you navigate a business phase shifts

How Constellary Helps transform your team

The Leadership Team Audit for Early & Growth Stage Startups

Assess what’s next for the team and what needs to shift

The Leadership Team Audit is a series of conversations with your leadership team and a debrief, facilitated that’s designed to help you think about the state of the leadership team, what’s next and how the team might need to shift. We review four key areas: their role, business context, org structures and leadership team culture. 

Length: 3 Calls

The Leadership Archetypes Experience

Understand your styles and how to work as a cohesive unit

Typically a half day event that’s often held during a leadership team offsite or planning period. 

This highly interactive experience focuses on three relationships leaders need: understanding self (intrapersonal), partnering with others (interpersonal), and working as a group (organizational).

Length: Half Day Experience

The Leadership Archetypes System

Embed Leadership Archetypes in your culture

For organizations who want to transform their leadership culture due to rapid change, after a merger, a product pivot or following a large round of funding (like a Series A or a Series B).

Resources, Coaching/Consulting, and Regular Engagement with the Archetypes Framework.

Length: Ongoing